READ THE DESCRIPTION Rules: 1. Subscribe to me. 2. Favorite this video. 3. Like this video. 4. Comment on this video. On Christmas day 2011 I will pick one lucky person to win. GOOD LUCK! THIS IS ONLY OPEN TO PEOPLE IN THE US UNLESS YOU WANT TO PAY FOR SHIPPING TO ANOTHER COUNTRY. To anyone that thinks that I am trying to scam everyone and just gain subs from this is a dumbass. Why would I get 7000+ subs and then scam everyone? That would mean 7000+ people would know I am a scam and they would tell everyone and my reputation would be destroyed. Why would I risk all the hard work I have put into my 120+ videos just to gain subs? I wouldn't do something like that. If you don't believe me then don't enter. No one is forcing you to subscribe. Also if you don't believe that I am going to give this away message all the previous winners of my giveaways such as 4000MSP, Dazzle Capture Card, and 1600MSP. They will all tell you that I really did give away what I said I was going to give away. So you can stop doubting me. Now the reason it is such a high number of subs is because I have other priorities in life I have to take care of like bills before I can spend 0 on an HDPVR. I need extra time to save up so I have that ability to spend that kind of money on my subscribers. Thank you and have a nice day.
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